Oasis of the Seas cruiseskip utendørs dekk

Oasis of the Seas cruiseskip utendørs dekk
Oasis of the Seas cruiseskip utendørs dekk
Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas
Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

The Oasis of the Seas seiler til det østlige og vestlige Karibien året rundt fra Fort Lauderdale, så det er fornuftig at cruiseskipet vil ha romslige uteområder og mange aktiviteter for gjestene å nyte i solskinnet og frisk luft.

Pool and Sports Zone finnes på dekk 15 og 16 og inkluderer fire store bassenger og mange boblebad. Strandbassenget er s altvann og har en svakt skrånende sandstrand som fører til bassenget. Sportsbassenget er flott for rundsvømming om morgenen og vannbaserte spill om ettermiddagen. H2O-bassengene er for familier.

Jeg elsket det rolige solariumet kun for voksne. Den har sitt eget ferskvannsbasseng og fantastiske sitteplasser i solen eller skyggen.

Aktive gjester på Oasis of the Seas vil elske den nye 82-fots zipline på dekk 16 som strekker seg 9 dekk over Boardwalk. De vil også bli glade for å se to FlowRiders, en sportsbane og en 18-hulls minigolfbane.

Det er definitivt nok til å holde seg opptatt utendørs på Oasis of the Seas, og disse bildene støtter de forskjellige typene ting å gjøre og se på cruiseskipets utendørsdekk.

Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

Oase avSeas Pool Deck - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas
Oase avSeas Pool Deck - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

Aerial View of the Oasis of the Seas Solarium

Luftfoto av solariumet Oasis of the Seas
Luftfoto av solariumet Oasis of the Seas

Oasis of the Seas Sports Zone

Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas Sports Zone
Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas Sports Zone

Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas
Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

Oasis of the Seas Zipline

Oasis of the Seas Zipline
Oasis of the Seas Zipline

Oasis of the Seas Zipline

Oasis of the Seas Zipline
Oasis of the Seas Zipline

Oasis of the Seas Zipline

Oasis of the Seas Zipline
Oasis of the Seas Zipline

Oasis of the Seas Sports Court

Oasis of the Seas sportsbane
Oasis of the Seas sportsbane

Oasis of the Seas Solarium

Oasis of the Seas solarium
Oasis of the Seas solarium

Oasis of the Seas Solarium

Oasis of the Seas solarium
Oasis of the Seas solarium

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Oasis of the Seas Solarium

Oasis of the Seas solarium
Oasis of the Seas solarium

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Oasis of the Seas Solarium

Oasis of the Seas solarium
Oasis of the Seas solarium

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Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas
Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

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Oasis of the Seas Solarium

Oasis of the Seas solarium
Oasis of the Seas solarium

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Oasis ofthe Seas FlowRider

Oasis of the Seas Flow Rider
Oasis of the Seas Flow Rider

The Oasis of the Seas har to FlowRiders -- én mer enn skipene i Freedom-klassen. Disse er kjempegøy for surfing ombord.

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Oasis of the Seas - Dunes minigolfbane

Oasis of the Seas - Dunes minigolfbane
Oasis of the Seas - Dunes minigolfbane

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Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk
Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

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Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas
Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

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Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk
Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

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Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk
Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

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Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk
Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

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Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas
Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas

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Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk
Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

The Pool Deck er et av utendørsknutepunktene på Oasis of the Seas.

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Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk
Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

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Swimming Pool Statue on the Oasis of the Seas

Svømmebassengstatue på Oasis of the Seas
Svømmebassengstatue på Oasis of the Seas

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Oasis of the Seas Pool Deck

Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk
Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

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Oasis of the Seas Pool Deck

Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk
Oasis of the Seas bassengdekk

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